About Anthony

I provide marriage counseling, individual counseling and life coaching with a strong Integrative Psychodynamic Humanistic Existential client-centered focus called Dialectic Therapy. My approach is rooted in Evidence-Based Evolutionary Psychology.

The Dialectic process engages clients in their own narrative and expression through dialogue, examples, logical reasoning and respectful inquiry.

What does this mean for you?
Dialectic Therapy is focused on fostering individuality, stimulating growth, and rekindling passion for life by finding and celebrating each person's uniqueness while working towards integrating thought, mood and behavioral issues that can cause the client challenges or suffering.

With intentional approach to facilitating change and mental well-being, I stimulate a renewed understanding of deeply entrenched patterns and beliefs.

Using an integrated variety of modalities, including, where appropriate, a combination of dialectic, narrative, CBT, NLP, didactic metaphor, and Ericksonian-derived techniques, clients work with me on problems related to dysphoria, anxiety, stress, sleep, fears, intimacy and relationship related issues. Uncovering the root causes that may be holding back your progress, moving beyond coping and managing into the embodiment of your new and more integrated Self without fearing having to change who you are as an essential person as you progress through your journey to wellness and fulfillment.

Over the last 25+ years, I have worked with a variety of clients and studied philosophy and psychology based on many theories and traditions, from results-oriented approaches (such as CBT) via psychology-based approaches (such as Freud, Jung, Adler, Rogers) to more spiritually based approaches (such as Christianity, Buddhism and Taoism). I have spent much time weeding out the belief-oriented portions of these philosophies to create a results-oriented, logic-based approach, rooted firmly in Evolutionary Psychology that is easily integrated into the ethos of our current times. (i.e. by people like you and me who were born in modern times and grew up with hybrid cars, iPhones, Swiffer commercials on HD TVs and clever advertising that tells us to buy more while eating organic and recycling.)

I have created the Intentional Relationship Program as an alternative to mediation/blaming relationship counseling so typical of the current times. Using evolutionary psychology as a firm base, the Intentional Relationship Program has become a highly successful tool in creating rapid and deliberate change toward rewarding relationships for both partners.

I created a modern integrative approach to Interpersonal Counselling called the Path Within® Program (buy the book: The Path Within). The Path Within® Program is a new way to work through various challenges using a concise and logical approach, consistent with modern ideology, without 'peeling the onion' in endless therapy sessions. I have developed a unique and rapid approach to helping you reconnect to your life’s purpose and understanding and nurturing the relationships that influence your life using minimal intervention or regression - no needless reliving of the past. As a faculty member of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), I have taught the techniques of facilitating change to international audiences.

In the area of Individual Counselling, I work with individuals for

Dysphoria, Anxiety, Fears, Stress
Grieving and Loss
Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, Self-Confidence
Soul Coaching and Personal Growth
Burn-out, stuck, life transitions
Sexual Problems, Sex-related issues.
Sleep, Nervousness, Attention Deficit, Motivation

In the area of Marriage and Family Counselling, I work with Individuals (and couples)

Marriage Counselling
Break-up Prevention
Restoring Trust and Intimacy in Relationships
Working through Infidelity
Libido issues
Preparing for Marriage / Pre-marital counseling
Dealing with Separation and Divorce
Frustrations and Overwhelm – parental responsibilities
(re-)Integrating a child into the family
Behavioural issues with children

Certificates and Registrations:
ACTA (Association of Counselling Therapy of Alberta) - Counselling Therapist
Registration: 2706

CCPA (Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association) - Professional Member
Registration: 10000475

Diploma Advanced Psychotherapy - S.A.C. Dip. (Adv. Psychotherapy)
Consulting Hypnotherapist (Certified Master) - MCH
Certified Life Coach - CLC
American University of Neuro Linguistic Programming – NLP
Ontario Hypnosis Centre – Certified Instructor – CI
Global College of Natural Medicine – Nutritional Consultant - NC
HypnoBirthing® Fertility Therapist
Certified HypnoFertility Practitioner
Parts Therapy Facilitator - Inner Conflict Resolution
HypnoBodyBalance® Facilitator

Marriage Counselling
Individual Counselling

Strategic Intervention
Breakthrough Coaching
Hypnotherapy (Incl. Mind-Body Connection)
Holistic Health and Nutrition
Inner conflict resolution & Parts Therapy (Certified Master)
Sleep Cycles (Certified Master)
Pain Management (Certified)
Emergency (EMT) Hypnosis (Certified)
Fertility & Conception (m/f) (Certified & Published)
Male Performance (ED)
Ultimate Trance Depth (Deep Trance Meditation)
Healing Sounds (Pure Tone Crystal Bowls in Dolby Prologic II, Published)
Behavioural Studies (Body Language and Non-Verbal Behaviour)

The Path Within®Program (Jan 23, 2015)
Answer Anxiety (Sep 29, 2022)
Attachment Styles in Relationship (Dec 9, 2023)
Mid Summer Dream: Pure Tone Quartz Crystal Trance Sound (CD and iTunes)
Using Hypnosis to Aid Fertility (Creating Families, IAAC, Winter 2010)
Mind and Body - Facilitating Change through Metaphor (Book, audio and NGH Seminar)

The Association of Counselling Therapy of Alberta - ACTA: #2706
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association - CCPA: #10000475
International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development - ISSBD: #7509
National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH - Faculty - retired)
Psychology Today
Network of Therapy Professionals - Theravive

Contact Info

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