Anthony Santen Reviews

Reviews from clients who have volunteered their testimonials after working with me.

"Honestly, we got more out of our first free session with you than with our [other] therapist in the past 2 months. " 

Joana & John

Full Interview:
"I've seen lot's of counselors, but we were stuck.
We now have everything we need to move forward in our Marriage.
It really benefitted our children and that's been key for me.

Full Interview:
Before I started this, I believed that [our] problems were unsolvable.

I loved the parenting.

Our sex life is way better."

Full Interview:
"It's well-worth the money
An investment in myself and in my family.

We had a shift in the way we parented our boys.
This program provided us with the tools we needed

I like the approach."

Full Interview:
"We were contemplating divorce.

You start to see resolution almost immediately.

Don't wait until your wife's ready to leave you...
I did traditional therapy for years and and didn't get anywhere near where we got in 12 weeks."

"We had seen different therapists [before].
I gained a lot of insight
It also helps our relationship with our children

It was 100% worth my time and effort
He has helped me open my mind up"

"It carries over to your children
I liked the format a lot

I wish I would have taken the program earlier in my marriage."

"I got so much more than I could have imagined
Some of the best money I spent in my entire life!

So different than traditional counseling.
It had a way bigger and deeper impact than I could have anticipated..."

"It was 10x worth it
I would have paid double

You pretty much nailed it
It was the best decision we ever made

"We tried traditional therapy, but it wasn't for us at all. 
You pushed us to see beyond ourselves.

It was the best decision we could have made.
We did this in about 3 months!
You helped me break down huge barriers."

"Truly he's investing in our relationship.
It saved our marriage...

You can't put a price on this.
It's individual growth coming together."

"Was it worth it? 100%. 
Worth it? 200%.

I would tell someone, before they even get married to do this course.
I feel more love for him."

"You do a good job of laying the ground work. 

You gave us tools and skills that we'll use forever
We can't thank you enough for that!"

"The results will come.
It helped me as a person - Hugely!

I love this person more."

"I was so skeptical...
I wish to God we had found you 40 years ago"

"It's like having a new relationship
It saved our marriage - point blank

If everyone took this course, the world would be a more beautiful place..."

"He had already moved out
We had done couples counseling before
There was a layer we were completely missing.

I'm really happy that we did it
You can see the difference in our kids"

"I think you're amazing!
I can see clearly

I don't think you charge enough"

"Thank god we gave it a shot.
I'm glad I did it.

It doesn't feel like it's work anymore..."

"David had already moved out of the house.
Our kids have benefitted in huge ways.

The end result is awesome."

"We're happy again!
It made so much sense!

The program is great. The program works."

"This should be a prerequisite before you get into a long-term relationship! ...

It seems so simple to us now.
It became magical.

Your love will feel more complete."

"Now I feel like we're a 10+.
We were just fumbling around before.

We're shocked at how quickly it worked - is working.
It felt right immediately"

"We see the results now.
Definitely, money well spent.

We're better individuals - better together...
It made us so happy! "

"I definitely like your approach. A lot!

Finally now, we have that relationship we wanted.
We understand each other at a deeper level.

"We had tried a couple of different therapists...
I'm so much more educated on relationships than I was months ago, when we started this...

The biggest thing for me, is that I've grown to accept myself for who I am."

"It's really been an eye opener.
We have done traditional marriage counseling before.

Before - I was dreading retirement and now I'm actually looking forward to that time and be free and do the things in life that we want to do, as a couple."

"I was at my wits end.
We were on the verge of divorce.
Well worth the time - the money.

I wish we would have known about this earlier
it would have saved a lot of heart-ache."

"Now I love her, like the day I met her
We went to marriage therapy before but..
This was mind-blowing
This was way more than we expected

It gave us our marriage back
Life just got infinitely easier"

"Anthony opened the door to a completely different perspective for us, very rapidly and with full engagement he quite literally saved our marriage.
Having had experience with different therapists I was, and still am in shock at how effective our results have been. Both my wife and I cannot thank him enough for his support and guidance through this very difficult time.
We have also referred three other couples to him."

Stephan M.

"I've spent my life like a prisoner, reaching towards the light through window bars. In a few short weeks you have shown me how to push through those walls, reach into my past and into my future ... and to finally set my soul free.
Because of you, I stand bathed in light, in a universe of infinite possibilities. Through your genuine concern, skills and unique therapeutic approach to personal development, you have given me the skills and understanding to achieve a future of my own choice and creation.
My amazement at my transformation is profound, and my gratitude transcends words.
For your support, help, and friendship ... thank you." 


"All I can say to you, Anthony, is Thank You...
Thank you for helping me discover my life again. " 


"You've helped me make my life better and easier. You've given me tools to improve myself and enjoy a happier existence.
I'll never forget you for this footprint in my heart; my life.
My deepest thanks"


"How do you say thank you to someone who helped you see life in a different way? There don't seem to be enough words to express what I feel. Thanks for starting me on a path to find the most that life has to offer! "

Adrian C.

"I am writing to you to outline my experience as a patient of Anthony Santen.
As someone who has endured an entire year of weekly therapy sessions at a local hospital and seen very little results in my levels of motivation, confidence, stress levels, and over-all mental health, I decided to look elsewhere for alternative therapy.
I am incredibly grateful to have found Mr. Santen as I felt my attitude begin to shift after only a few sessions."

Kinga V.

[To Whom It May Concern]
"It is my opinion that Mr. Santen’s long-standing therapeutic experience and his deep interest in and respect for the human being make him a highly effective and safe psychotherapist.
Mr. Santen consistently demonstrates the breadth of his knowledge, his competency in psychotherapy, and his dedication to safe practice within the ethical frameworks of the profession.
I have come to see Mr. Santen as highly professional while also allowing for deep, true human connection to his clients.
He may be direct at times, but that is, in my opinion, exactly what makes him a good therapist."

Sabrina Cox.

"Anthony, I know you think I save lives and that is great. But I truly think you do something greater. You save lives, you make people whole again. That is a gift and I feel truly lucky to have found a way to heal myself with your help.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart."


Emergency Physician

"I want to tell how how much your help was instrumental in our relashionship, (A.) and I wouldn't been together today if you were not there. You saved our couple and opened our eyes. I will be forever grateful to have met you and have you as a coach.
You are simply Amazing" 


"While I have completed the program with Anthony, the tools and strategies that I have been taught are something that I will continue to apply in my life for as long as I live! I really do appreciate Anthony’s guidance and recommend to anyone who is trying to change their life to get in contact with him and setup your first meeting!"


"I have spent many years dealing with a loss of confidence, sadness and a difficult family situation. No matter what I did I could not seem to create the life I wanted at work or at home. My sessions with Anthony completely changed my life! Anthony is amazing at what he does.
I want to put in a good word, and recommend this man. I wish I had found him sooner. It would have saved me years of struggle. Anyway... Highly recommended. Just amazing work. Thank you !" 

Kristian M.

"Not only has Anthony changed my life, but has become a friend and guide for life. I would recommend for anyone who wants to get their ultimate life to see anthony and let him work his magic on them too."


"Only 15 weeks with Anthony freed me from debilitating bi-polar depression and bouts of catatonia that had been plaguing me for years. Years filled with drugs and doctors that were supportive but barely made a dent in the problem. Then in July Anthony promised me a happy winter and by Christmas he delivered through the medium of The Path Within.
Today I am active and engaged, learning and working; building a new career and enjoying time with my family and friends again. When we started he asked me what I wanted. I told him I wanted to be free. Now I am and I couldn't be happier, I haven't been happier. Ever.
Thank you Anthony, I can't recommend you highly enough."


"10 Years of Guilt and 8 years of anti-depressants and counselling. Obvious physical stress and isolation from my wife and children brought me to you in a desperate state. I was really looking for a way to relieve my stress-related symptoms. [severe IBS]
When you suggested to address the root-causes, I was skeptical, but willing to be surprised....
What followed was 8 sessions of questions, exercises and homework. And look at my life now!
After 10 years, my marriage is a sanctuary of peace for my heart, and I've never felt this level of intimacy with my wife - Thank you !!! Its better than I imagined when we got married!
And Yes, my stress symptoms have all but disappeared and everyone wants to know 'the secret' to my contented smile. I have energy, I have motivation and I want to keep my job, I want to keep my wife and I want to keep my life! Wow, this is so different than 2 months ago!
It's just amazing what you do. I'm in awe of the speed and commitment to my transformation which allowed me to feel THIS ALIVE. I can't thank you enough! There is simply no value you can place on this work. I'm so grateful and indebted to you forever, for saving my life."


"When I came to you last summer, my life was a mess. My relationships weren't working, I couldn't get my career going... I felt inadequate, helpless and so unhappy with my life. No matter what I did "right", I couldn't steer my life where I wanted it to go.
Less than 6 months later - after doing the Path Within Program with you - my world is a dramatically different place. Using the tools you taught me, I changed the direction of my life... and I LOVE IT!
Now I know what I want out of life AND how to go after it. The extent of which my innermost desires and dreams are coming true is incredible. Every day is filled with joy and a certainty about my future. This is a huge change from my old life... it feels wonderful to live like this... I wish everyone could know what this feels like!!
Right now I am on the cusp of realizing my two biggest dreams - I've found the man of my dreams and am about to achieve a huge leap in my career. Without the tools and support you provided me, neither of these would have happened.
Thank you so MUCH !!"


"I wasn’t feeling engaged in life and I was on a roller coaster. I just wanted to change that feeling of powerlessness. I was lost... And coming to the program and the process that you took me through I found myself again!
It’s amazing how great you are, at knowing just how to interact to get people to come out...
I had lost my passion and now I rediscovered who I am. Look at the difference from when I walked in until now. In 3 months! How many other techniques or modalities can offer you that? That’s pretty amazing! Its phenomenal.
Thank YOU ! I feel totally empowered...
I’m laughing again - and I had stopped laughing
I have a spring in my step - And those things mean so much... just so much
So, there’s a quality to life – that I had let go - And its back!, its back !
Thank you
I’m just ever so grateful, thank you. I so appreciate you, and your work.
Thank you"  

Cindy D.

 "Anthony, you have changed my life.
In every way imaginable. And you continue to help me develop, every day and in every possible way.
I have no words to express my gratitude. Seriously. I just don't know how to say thank you enough."


"Anthony, after today I just have to say coming to you is the best thing I've done for myself in..... maybe ever (well, besides marrying my husband!) . You are amazingly good at this. The reason (ok, one reason) I'm able to gain from our sessions is because you are so deeply passionate about it and it shows.....and I could feel that from the first day. And so I need to just thank you right now.
I know - you're 'just a guide' but you're a damn good guide and it's making a really big difference for me." 


"Thank you for helping me recapture my vivacious and excitable self again. All is good on the home front. You do amazing work. Looking forward to our next session."


More Love in This World,
Requires Intentional Relationships,
One Couple at a Time

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